We provide comprehensive logistics services in the field of warehousing with the ability to combine them with domestic and international road transport. Our services include warehousing, handling of goods, repackaging, including labels, and distribution of refrigerated and frozen products.
We have our own cold storage and freezing warehouses, in which a modern rack storage system is deployed. Equipment is no more than 5 years old.
Warehouse size: 21 844 m3
Number of pallet spaces: 4,500
Pallet dimensions: 120×80 and 120×100
Max. height: 180 cm
Max. weight: 1000 kg / 1 pallet
Warehouse size: 2606 m3
Number of pallet spaces: 679
Pallet dimensions: 120×80 and 120×100
Max. height: 180 cm
Max. weight: 1000 kg / 1 pallet
Frost Logistics a.s.
Jesenická 619 (Commercial zone)
252 44 Dolní Jirčany
Czech Republic